path: root/static/posts.html
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'static/posts.html')
1 files changed, 179 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/static/posts.html b/static/posts.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ebe8f4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/posts.html
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+{{ define "posts" }}
+{{ $board := .Board }}
+{{ $len := len .Posts }}
+{{ range .Posts }}
+{{ $opId := .Id }}
+{{ if eq $board.InReplyTo "" }}
+{{ end }}
+<div style="overflow: auto;">
+ <div id="{{ .Id }}" style="overflow: visible; margin-bottom: 12px;">
+ {{ if eq $board.ModCred $board.Domain $board.Actor }}
+ <a href="/delete?id={{ .Id }}">[Delete Post]</a>
+ {{ end }}
+ {{ if .Attachment }}
+ {{ if eq $board.ModCred $board.Domain $board.Actor }}
+ <a href="/deleteattach?id={{ .Id }}">[Delete Attachment]</a>
+ {{ end }}
+ <span style="display: block;">File: <a id="{{ .Id }}-img" href="{{ (index .Attachment 0).Href}}">{{ (index .Attachment 0).Name }}</a><span id="{{ .Id }}-size">({{ (index .Attachment 0).Size }})</span></span>
+ <div id="media-{{ .Id }}"></div>
+ <script>
+ media = document.getElementById("media-{{ .Id }}")
+ if(getMIMEType({{ (index .Attachment 0).MediaType }}) == "image"){
+ var img = document.createElement("img");
+ img.style = "float: left; margin-right: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; max-width: 250px; max-height: 250px; cursor: move;"
+ img.setAttribute("id", "img")
+ img.setAttribute("main", "1")
+ img.setAttribute("enlarge", "0")
+ img.setAttribute("attachment", "{{ (index .Attachment 0).Href }}")
+ {{ if .Preview.Href }}
+ img.setAttribute("src", "{{ .Preview.Href }}")
+ img.setAttribute("preview", "{{ .Preview.Href }}")
+ {{ else }}
+ img.setAttribute("src", "{{ (index .Attachment 0).Href }}")
+ img.setAttribute("preview", "{{ (index .Attachment 0).Href }}")
+ {{ end }}
+ media.appendChild(img)
+ }
+ if(getMIMEType({{ (index .Attachment 0).MediaType }}) == "audio"){
+ var audio = document.createElement("audio")
+ audio.controls = 'controls'
+ audio.preload = 'none'
+ audio.src = '{{ (index .Attachment 0).Href }}'
+ audio.type = '{{ (index .Attachment 0).MediaType }}'
+ audio.style = "float: left; margin-right: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; width: 250px;"
+ audio.innerText = 'Audio is not supported.'
+ media.appendChild(audio)
+ }
+ if(getMIMEType({{ (index .Attachment 0).MediaType }}) == "video"){
+ var video = document.createElement("video")
+ video.controls = 'controls'
+ video.preload = 'none'
+ video.muted = 'muted'
+ video.src = '{{ (index .Attachment 0).Href }}'
+ video.type = '{{ (index .Attachment 0).MediaType }}'
+ video.style = "float: left; margin-right: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; width: 250px;"
+ video.innerText = 'Video is not supported.'
+ media.appendChild(video)
+ }
+ </script>
+ {{ end }}
+ <span style="color: #0f0c5d;"><b>{{ .Name }}</b></span><span style="color: #117743;"><b>{{ if .AttributedTo }} {{.AttributedTo }} {{ else }} Anonymous {{ end }}</b></span><span>{{ .Published }} <a id="{{ .Id }}-anchor" href="/{{ $board.Name }}/">No.</a> <a id="{{ .Id }}-link" title="{{ .Id }}" href="javascript:quote('{{ $board.Actor }}', '{{ $opId }}', '{{ .Id }}')">{{ .Id }}</a> {{ if ne .Type "Tombstone" }}<a href="/report?id={{ .Id }}&board={{ $board.Name }}">[Report]</a>{{ end }}</span>
+ <p id="{{ .Id }}-content" style="white-space: pre-wrap; margin: 10px 30px 10px 30px;">{{.Content}}</p>
+ {{ if .Replies }}
+ {{ $replies := .Replies }}
+ {{ if gt $replies.TotalItems 5 }}
+ <span>{{ $replies.TotalItems }} replies{{ if gt $replies.TotalImgs 0}} and {{ $replies.TotalImgs }} images{{ end }}, Click <a id="view" post="{{.Id}}" href="/{{ $board.Name }}/{{ .Id }}">here</a> to view all.</span>
+ {{ end }}
+ {{ range $replies.OrderedItems }}
+ <div id="{{ .Id }}">
+ <div style="display: inline-block; overflow: auto;">
+ <div style="float: left; display: block; margin-right: 5px;">>></div>
+ <div style="overflow: auto;background-color: #d5daf0; padding: 5px; margin-bottom: 2px;">
+ {{ if eq $board.ModCred $board.Domain $board.Actor }}
+ <a href="/delete?id={{ .Id }}">[Delete Post]</a>
+ {{ end }}
+ {{ if .Attachment }}
+ {{ if eq $board.ModCred $board.Domain $board.Actor }}
+ <a href="/deleteattach?id={{ .Id }}">[Delete Attachment]</a>
+ {{ end }}
+ <span style="display: block;">File <a id="{{ .Id }}-img" href="{{ (index .Attachment 0).Href}}">{{ (index .Attachment 0).Name }}</a> <span id="{{ .Id }}-size">({{ (index .Attachment 0).Size }})</span></span>
+ <div id="media-{{ .Id }}"></div>
+ <script>
+ media = document.getElementById("media-{{ .Id }}")
+ if(getMIMEType({{ (index .Attachment 0).MediaType }}) == "image"){
+ var img = document.createElement("img");
+ img.style = "float: left; margin-right: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; max-width: 250px; max-height: 250px; cursor: move;"
+ img.setAttribute("id", "img")
+ img.setAttribute("main", "1")
+ img.setAttribute("enlarge", "0")
+ img.setAttribute("attachment", "{{ (index .Attachment 0).Href }}")
+ {{ if .Preview.Href }}
+ img.setAttribute("src", "{{ .Preview.Href }}")
+ img.setAttribute("preview", "{{ .Preview.Href }}")
+ {{ else }}
+ img.setAttribute("src", "{{ (index .Attachment 0).Href }}")
+ img.setAttribute("preview", "{{ (index .Attachment 0).Href }}")
+ {{ end }}
+ media.appendChild(img)
+ }
+ if(getMIMEType({{ (index .Attachment 0).MediaType }}) == "audio"){
+ var audio = document.createElement("audio")
+ audio.controls = 'controls'
+ audio.preload = 'none'
+ audio.src = '{{ (index .Attachment 0).Href }}'
+ audio.type = '{{ (index .Attachment 0).MediaType }}'
+ audio.style = "float: left; margin-right: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; width: 250px;"
+ audio.innerText = 'Audio is not supported.'
+ media.appendChild(audio)
+ }
+ if(getMIMEType({{ (index .Attachment 0).MediaType }}) == "video"){
+ var video = document.createElement("video")
+ video.controls = 'controls'
+ video.preload = 'none'
+ video.muted = 'muted'
+ video.src = '{{ (index .Attachment 0).Href }}'
+ video.type = '{{ (index .Attachment 0).MediaType }}'
+ video.style = "float: left; margin-right: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; width: 250px;"
+ video.innerText = 'Video is not supported.'
+ media.appendChild(video)
+ }
+ </script>
+ {{ end }}
+ <span style="color: #0f0c5d;"><b>{{ .Name }}</b></span><span style="color: #117743;"><b>{{ if .AttributedTo }} {{.AttributedTo }} {{ else }} Anonymous {{ end }}</b></span><span>{{ .Published }} <a id="{{ .Id }}-anchor" href="/{{ $board.Name }}/post/{{ $opId }}#{{ .Id }}">No. </a><a id="{{ .Id }}-link" title="{{ .Id }}" href="javascript:quote('{{ $board.Actor }}', '{{ $opId }}', '{{ .Id }}')">{{ .Id }}</a> {{ if ne .Type "Tombstone" }}<a href="/report?id={{ .Id }}&board={{ $board.Name }}">[Report]</a>{{ end }}</span>
+ {{ $parentId := .Id }}
+ {{ if .Replies.OrderedItems }}
+ {{ range .Replies.OrderedItems }}
+ <span id="{{$parentId}}-replyto-{{.Id}}"></span>
+ <script>document.getElementById("{{ $parentId }}-replyto-{{.Id}}").innerHTML = "<a title='{{ .Id }}' href='/{{ $board.Name }}/" + shortURL("{{ $board.Actor }}", "{{ $opId }}") + "#" + shortURL("{{ $board.Actor }}", "{{ .Id }}") + "'>>>" + shortURL("{{ $board.Actor }}", "{{ .Id }}") + "</a>";</script>
+ {{ end }}
+ {{ end }}
+ <p id="{{ .Id }}-content" style="white-space: pre-wrap; margin: 10px 30px 10px 30px;">{{.Content}}</p>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <script>
+ {{ if .Attachment }}
+ document.getElementById("{{ .Id }}-size").innerText = " (" + convertSize({{ (index .Attachment 0).Size }}) + ")";
+ document.getElementById("{{ .Id }}-img").innerText = shortImg("{{ (index .Attachment 0).Name }}");
+ {{ end }}
+ document.getElementById("{{ .Id }}-link").innerText = shortURL("{{ $board.Actor }}", "{{ .Id }}");
+ document.getElementById("{{ .Id }}-anchor").href = "/{{ $board.Name }}/" + shortURL("{{$board.Actor}}", "{{ $opId }}") +
+ "#" + shortURL("{{$board.Actor}}", "{{ .Id }}");
+ document.getElementById("{{ .Id }}").setAttribute("id", shortURL("{{$board.Actor}}", "{{ .Id }}"));
+ var content = document.getElementById("{{ .Id }}-content");
+ content.innerHTML = convertContent('{{$board.Actor}}', content.innerText, '{{ $opId }}')
+ </script>
+ {{ end }}
+ {{ end }}
+ </div>
+ {{ if .Attachment }}
+ document.getElementById("{{ .Id }}-size").innerText = " (" + convertSize({{ (index .Attachment 0).Size }}) + ")";
+ document.getElementById("{{ .Id }}-img").innerText = shortImg("{{ (index .Attachment 0).Name }}");
+ {{ end }}
+ document.getElementById("{{ .Id }}-link").innerText = shortURL("{{ $board.Actor }}", "{{ .Id }}");
+ document.getElementById("{{ .Id }}").setAttribute("id", shortURL("{{ $board.Actor }}", "{{ .Id }}"));
+ document.getElementById("{{ .Id }}-anchor").href = "/{{ $board.Name }}/" + shortURL("{{$board.Actor}}", "{{ $opId }}") +
+ "#" + shortURL("{{$board.Actor}}", "{{ .Id }}");
+ var content = document.getElementById("{{ .Id }}-content");
+ content.innerHTML = convertContent('{{$board.Actor}}', content.innerText, '{{ $opId }}')
+{{ end }}
+{{ end }}