# About FChannel is a libre, self-hostable, federated, imageboard platform that utilizes ActivittPub. # Server Installation and Configuration ## Minimum Server Requirements _POST MINIMUM SERVER REQUIREMENTS HERE (OS, Hardware, etc.) HERE_ ## Server Installation Instructions - Ensure you have golang installed at a correct ``` GOPATH ``` - Copy `config-init` to `config` and change the values appropriately to reflect the instance. - Create the database, username, and password for psql that is used in config file. - Run `psql -U (user) -d (database) -f databaseschema.psql` - Finally start the server with `go run`. ## Server Configuration _POST VARIOUS NOTABLE CONFIG OPTIONS THE HOST MAY WANT TO CHANGE IN CONFIGURATION, AS WELL AS ANY SECURITY SETTINGS HERE._ ## Networking ### NGINX Template _PROVIDE A BASIC NGINX TEMPLATE HERE_ ### Apache _PROVIDE A BASIC APACHE TEMPLATE HERE_ ### Caddy _PROVIDE A BASIC CADDYv2 TEMPLATE HERE_