package main import ( "crypto/sha256" "database/sql" "encoding/hex" "encoding/json" "fmt" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" // "" _ "" "html/template" // "io" "io/ioutil" // "log" "math/rand" "mime/multipart" "net/http" "os" "os/exec" "path" "regexp" "strings" "time" ) var authReq = []string{"captcha", "email", "passphrase"} var MediaHashs = make(map[string]string) var Themes []string func init() { rand.Seed(time.Now().UnixNano()) } func main() { var err error CreatedNeededDirectories() db.ConnectDB() defer db.Close() db.InitCache() defer db.CloseCache() db.RunDatabaseSchema() go MakeCaptchas(100) config.Key = util.CreateKey(32) db.FollowingBoards, err = db.GetActorFollowingDB(config.Domain) if err != nil { panic(err) } go StartupArchive(DB) go CheckInactive(DB) db.Boards, err = db.GetBoardCollection() if err != nil { panic(err) } // root actor is used to follow remote feeds that are not local //name, prefname, summary, auth requirements, restricted if config.InstanceName != "" { if _, err = db.CreateNewBoardDB(*CreateNewActor("", config.InstanceName, config.InstanceSummary, authReq, false)); err != nil { panic(err) } if config.PublicIndexing == "true" { // TODO: comment out later //AddInstanceToIndex(config.Domain) } } // get list of themes themes, err := ioutil.ReadDir("./static/css/themes") if err != nil { panic(err) } for _, f := range themes { if e := path.Ext(f.Name()); e == ".css" { config.Themes = append(config.Themes, strings.TrimSuffix(f.Name(), e)) } } // Allow access to public media folder fileServer := http.FileServer(http.Dir("./public")) http.Handle("/public/", http.StripPrefix("/public", neuter(fileServer))) javascriptFiles := http.FileServer(http.Dir("./static")) http.Handle("/static/", http.StripPrefix("/static", neuter(javascriptFiles))) /* Routing and templates */ template := html.New("./views", ".html") TemplateFunctions(template) app := fiber.New(fiber.Config{ AppName: "FChannel", Views: template, }) app.Static("/public", "./public") app.Static("/static", "./views") // Pass variables such as the DB app.Use(func(c *fiber.Ctx) { c.Locals("db", DB) }) /* Main actor */ app.Get("/", routes.Index) app.Get("/inbox", routes.Inbox) app.Get("/outbox", routes.Outbox) app.Get("/following", routes.Following) app.Get("/followers", routes.Followers) /* Board actor */ app.Get("/:actor", routes.ActorIndex) //OutboxGet) app.Get("/:actor/:post", routes.ActorPostGet) app.Get("/post", routes.ActorPost) app.Get("/:actor/inbox", routes.ActorInbox) app.Get("/:actor/outbox", routes.ActorOutbox) app.Get("/:actor/following", routes.ActorFollowing) app.Get("/:actor/followers", routes.ActorFollowers) app.Get("/:actor/reported", routes.ActorReported) app.Get("/:actor/archive", routes.ActorArchive) /* Admin routes */ app.Get("/verify", routes.AdminVerify) app.Get("/auth", routes.AdminAuth) app.Get("/"+*Key+"/", routes.AdminIndex) app.Get("/"+*Key+"/addboard", routes.AdminAddBoard) app.Get("/"+*Key+"/postnews", routes.AdminPostNews) app.Get("/"+*Key+"/newsdelete", routes.AdminNewsDelete) app.Get("/news", routes.NewsGet) /* Board managment */ app.Get("/banmedia", routes.BoardBanMedia) app.Get("/delete", routes.BoardDelete) app.Get("/deleteattach", routes.BoardDeleteAttach) app.Get("/marksensitive", routes.BoardMarkSensitive) app.Get("/remove", routes.BoardRemove) app.Get("/removeattach", routes.BoardRemoveAttach) app.Get("/addtoindex", routes.BoardAddToIndex) app.Get("/poparchive", routes.BoardPopArchive) app.Get("/autosubscribe", routes.BoardAutoSubscribe) app.Get("/blacklist", routes.BoardBlacklist) app.Get("/report", routes.BoardBlacklist) app.Get("/.well-known/webfinger", func(c *fiber.Ctx) error { acct := c.Query("resource") if len(acct) < 1 { c.Status(fiber.StatusBadRequest) return c.Send([]byte("resource needs a value")) } acct = strings.Replace(acct, "acct:", "", -1) actorDomain := strings.Split(acct, "@") if len(actorDomain) < 2 { c.Status(fiber.StatusBadRequest) return c.Send([]byte("accpets only subject form of acct:board@instance")) } if actorDomain[0] == "main" { actorDomain[0] = "" } else { actorDomain[0] = "/" + actorDomain[0] } if !IsActorLocal(TP + "" + actorDomain[1] + "" + actorDomain[0]) { c.Status(fiber.StatusBadRequest) return c.Send([]byte("actor not local")) } var finger Webfinger var link WebfingerLink finger.Subject = "acct:" + actorDomain[0] + "@" + actorDomain[1] link.Rel = "self" link.Type = "application/activity+json" link.Href = TP + "" + actorDomain[1] + "" + actorDomain[0] finger.Links = append(finger.Links, link) enc, _ := json.Marshal(finger) c.Set("Content-Type", activitystreams) return c.Send(enc) }) app.Get("/api/media", func(c *fiber.Ctx) error { return c.SendString("api media") }) // 404 handler app.Use(routes.NotFound) fmt.Println("Server for " + Domain + " running on port " + Port) fmt.Println("Mod key: " + *Key) PrintAdminAuth(DB) app.Listen(Port) } func CheckError(e error, m string) error { if e != nil { fmt.Println() fmt.Println(m) fmt.Println() panic(e) } return e } func neuter(next http.Handler) http.Handler { return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { if strings.HasSuffix(r.URL.Path, "/") { http.NotFound(w, r) return } next.ServeHTTP(w, r) }) } func GetContentType(location string) string { elements := strings.Split(location, ";") if len(elements) > 0 { return elements[0] } else { return location } } func CreateNewActor(board string, prefName string, summary string, authReq []string, restricted bool) *activitypub.Actor { actor := new(activitypub.Actor) var path string if board == "" { path = Domain actor.Name = "main" } else { path = Domain + "/" + board actor.Name = board } actor.Type = "Group" actor.Id = fmt.Sprintf("%s", path) actor.Following = fmt.Sprintf("%s/following", actor.Id) actor.Followers = fmt.Sprintf("%s/followers", actor.Id) actor.Inbox = fmt.Sprintf("%s/inbox", actor.Id) actor.Outbox = fmt.Sprintf("%s/outbox", actor.Id) actor.PreferredUsername = prefName actor.Restricted = restricted actor.Summary = summary actor.AuthRequirement = authReq return actor } func GetActorInfo(w http.ResponseWriter, db *sql.DB, id string) { actor := GetActorFromDB(id) enc, _ := json.MarshalIndent(actor, "", "\t") w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/ld+json; profile=\"\"") w.Write(enc) } func GetActorPost(w http.ResponseWriter, db *sql.DB, path string) { collection := GetCollectionFromPath(Domain + "" + path) if len(collection.OrderedItems) > 0 { enc, _ := json.MarshalIndent(collection, "", "\t") w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/ld+json; profile=\"\"") w.Write(enc) } } func CreateObject(objType string) activitypub.ObjectBase { var nObj activitypub.ObjectBase nObj.Type = objType nObj.Published = time.Now().UTC() nObj.Updated = time.Now().UTC() return nObj } func AddFollowersToActivity(activity activitypub.Activity) activitypub.Activity { activity.To = append(activity.To, activity.Actor.Id) for _, e := range activity.To { aFollowers := GetActorCollection(e + "/followers") for _, k := range aFollowers.Items { activity.To = append(activity.To, k.Id) } } var nActivity activitypub.Activity for _, e := range activity.To { var alreadyTo = false for _, k := range nActivity.To { if e == k || e == activity.Actor.Id { alreadyTo = true } } if !alreadyTo { nActivity.To = append(nActivity.To, e) } } activity.To = nActivity.To return activity } func CreateActivity(activityType string, obj activitypub.ObjectBase) activitypub.Activity { var newActivity activitypub.Activity actor := FingerActor(obj.Actor) newActivity.AtContext.Context = "" newActivity.Type = activityType newActivity.Published = obj.Published newActivity.Actor = &actor newActivity.Object = &obj for _, e := range obj.To { if obj.Actor != e { newActivity.To = append(newActivity.To, e) } } for _, e := range obj.Cc { if obj.Actor != e { newActivity.Cc = append(newActivity.Cc, e) } } return newActivity } func ProcessActivity(activity activitypub.Activity) { activityType := activity.Type if activityType == "Create" { for _, e := range activity.To { if GetActorFromDB(e).Id != "" { fmt.Println("actor is in the database") } else { fmt.Println("actor is NOT in the database") } } } else if activityType == "Follow" { } else if activityType == "Delete" { } } func CreatePreviewObject(obj activitypub.ObjectBase) *activitypub.NestedObjectBase { re := regexp.MustCompile(`/.+$`) mimetype := re.ReplaceAllString(obj.MediaType, "") var nPreview activitypub.NestedObjectBase if mimetype != "image" { return &nPreview } re = regexp.MustCompile(`.+/`) file := re.ReplaceAllString(obj.MediaType, "") href := GetUniqueFilename(file) nPreview.Type = "Preview" nPreview.Name = obj.Name nPreview.Href = Domain + "" + href nPreview.MediaType = obj.MediaType nPreview.Size = obj.Size nPreview.Published = obj.Published re = regexp.MustCompile(`/public/.+`) objFile := re.FindString(obj.Href) cmd := exec.Command("convert", "."+objFile, "-resize", "250x250>", "-strip", "."+href) err := cmd.Run() if CheckError(err, "error with resize attachment preview") != nil { var preview activitypub.NestedObjectBase return &preview } return &nPreview } func CreateAttachmentObject(file multipart.File, header *multipart.FileHeader) ([]activitypub.ObjectBase, *os.File) { contentType, _ := GetFileContentType(file) filename := header.Filename size := header.Size re := regexp.MustCompile(`.+/`) fileType := re.ReplaceAllString(contentType, "") tempFile, _ := ioutil.TempFile("./public", "*."+fileType) var nAttachment []activitypub.ObjectBase var image activitypub.ObjectBase image.Type = "Attachment" image.Name = filename image.Href = Domain + "/" + tempFile.Name() image.MediaType = contentType image.Size = size image.Published = time.Now().UTC() nAttachment = append(nAttachment, image) return nAttachment, tempFile } func ParseCommentForReplies(comment string, op string) []activitypub.ObjectBase { re := regexp.MustCompile(`(>>(https?://[A-Za-z0-9_.:\-~]+\/[A-Za-z0-9_.\-~]+\/)(f[A-Za-z0-9_.\-~]+-)?([A-Za-z0-9_.\-~]+)?#?([A-Za-z0-9_.\-~]+)?)`) match := re.FindAllStringSubmatch(comment, -1) var links []string for i := 0; i < len(match); i++ { str := strings.Replace(match[i][0], ">>", "", 1) str = strings.Replace(str, "www.", "", 1) str = strings.Replace(str, "http://", "", 1) str = strings.Replace(str, "https://", "", 1) str = TP + "" + str _, isReply := IsReplyToOP(op, str) if !IsInStringArray(links, str) && isReply { links = append(links, str) } } var validLinks []activitypub.ObjectBase for i := 0; i < len(links); i++ { _, isValid := CheckValidActivity(links[i]) if isValid { var reply = new(activitypub.ObjectBase) reply.Id = links[i] reply.Published = time.Now().UTC() validLinks = append(validLinks, *reply) } } return validLinks } func IsValidActor(id string) (activitypub.Actor, bool) { actor := FingerActor(id) if actor.Id != "" { return actor, true } return actor, false } func IsActivityLocal(activity activitypub.Activity) bool { for _, e := range activity.To { if GetActorFromDB(e).Id != "" { return true } } for _, e := range activity.Cc { if GetActorFromDB(e).Id != "" { return true } } if activity.Actor != nil && GetActorFromDB(activity.Actor.Id).Id != "" { return true } return false } func GetObjectFromActivity(activity activitypub.Activity) activitypub.ObjectBase { return *activity.Object } func MakeCaptchas(total int) { difference := total - GetCaptchaTotal(db) for i := 0; i < difference; i++ { CreateNewCaptcha(db) } } func GetFileContentType(out multipart.File) (string, error) { buffer := make([]byte, 512) _, err := out.Read(buffer) if err != nil { return "", err } out.Seek(0, 0) contentType := http.DetectContentType(buffer) return contentType, nil } func SupportedMIMEType(mime string) bool { for _, e := range supportedFiles { if e == mime { return true } } return false } func GetActorReported(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, db *sql.DB, id string) { auth := r.Header.Get("Authorization") verification := strings.Split(auth, " ") if len(verification) < 2 { w.WriteHeader(http.StatusBadRequest) w.Write([]byte("")) return } if !HasAuth(verification[1], id) { w.WriteHeader(http.StatusBadRequest) w.Write([]byte("")) return } var following activitypub.Collection following.AtContext.Context = "" following.Type = "Collection" following.TotalItems = GetActorReportedTotal(id) following.Items = GetActorReportedDB(id) enc, _ := json.MarshalIndent(following, "", "\t") w.Header().Set("Content-Type", activitystreams) w.Write(enc) } func GetCollectionFromID(id string) activitypub.Collection { var nColl activitypub.Collection req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", id, nil) CheckError(err, "could not get collection from id req") req.Header.Set("Accept", activitystreams) resp, err := RouteProxy(req) if err != nil { return nColl } if resp.StatusCode == 200 { defer resp.Body.Close() body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) if len(body) > 0 { err = json.Unmarshal(body, &nColl) CheckError(err, "error getting collection resp from json body") } } return nColl } func PrintAdminAuth(db *sql.DB) { query := fmt.Sprintf("select identifier, code from boardaccess where board='%s' and type='admin'", Domain) rows, err := db.Query(query) CheckError(err, "Error getting Domain auth") var code string var identifier string rows.Next() rows.Scan(&identifier, &code) fmt.Println("Admin Login: " + identifier + ", Code: " + code) } func IsInStringArray(array []string, value string) bool { for _, e := range array { if e == value { return true } } return false } func GetUniqueFilename(_type string) string { id := RandomID(8) file := "/public/" + id + "." + _type for true { if _, err := os.Stat("." + file); err == nil { id = RandomID(8) file = "/public/" + id + "." + _type } else { return "/public/" + id + "." + _type } } return "" } func DeleteObjectRequest(id string) { var nObj activitypub.ObjectBase var nActor activitypub.Actor nObj.Id = id nObj.Actor = nActor.Id activity := CreateActivity("Delete", nObj) obj := GetObjectFromPath(id) actor := FingerActor(obj.Actor) activity.Actor = &actor followers := GetActorFollowDB(obj.Actor) for _, e := range followers { activity.To = append(activity.To, e.Id) } following := GetActorFollowingDB(obj.Actor) for _, e := range following { activity.To = append(activity.To, e.Id) } MakeActivityRequest(activity) } func DeleteObjectAndRepliesRequest(id string) { var nObj activitypub.ObjectBase var nActor activitypub.Actor nObj.Id = id nObj.Actor = nActor.Id activity := CreateActivity("Delete", nObj) obj := GetObjectByIDFromDB(id) activity.Actor.Id = obj.OrderedItems[0].Actor activity.Object = &obj.OrderedItems[0] followers := GetActorFollowDB(obj.OrderedItems[0].Actor) for _, e := range followers { activity.To = append(activity.To, e.Id) } following := GetActorFollowingDB(obj.OrderedItems[0].Actor) for _, e := range following { activity.To = append(activity.To, e.Id) } MakeActivityRequest(activity) } func ResizeAttachmentToPreview(db *sql.DB) { query := `select id, href, mediatype, name, size, published from activitystream where id in (select attachment from activitystream where attachment!='' and preview='')` rows, err := db.Query(query) CheckError(err, "error getting attachments") defer rows.Close() for rows.Next() { var id string var href string var mediatype string var name string var size int var published time.Time rows.Scan(&id, &href, &mediatype, &name, &size, &published) re := regexp.MustCompile(`^\w+`) _type := re.FindString(mediatype) if _type == "image" { re = regexp.MustCompile(`.+/`) file := re.ReplaceAllString(mediatype, "") nHref := GetUniqueFilename(file) var nPreview activitypub.NestedObjectBase re = regexp.MustCompile(`/\w+$`) actor := re.ReplaceAllString(id, "") nPreview.Type = "Preview" nPreview.Id = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", actor, CreateUniqueID(actor)) nPreview.Name = name nPreview.Href = Domain + "" + nHref nPreview.MediaType = mediatype nPreview.Size = int64(size) nPreview.Published = published nPreview.Updated = published re = regexp.MustCompile(`/public/.+`) objFile := re.FindString(href) if id != "" { cmd := exec.Command("convert", "."+objFile, "-resize", "250x250>", "-strip", "."+nHref) err := cmd.Run() CheckError(err, "error with resize attachment preview") if err == nil { fmt.Println(objFile + " -> " + nHref) WritePreviewToDB(nPreview) UpdateObjectWithPreview(id, nPreview.Id) } } } } } func UpdateObjectWithPreview(id string, preview string) { query := `update activitystream set preview=$1 where attachment=$2` _, err := db.Exec(query, preview, id) CheckError(err, "could not update activity stream with preview") } func ParseCommentForReply(comment string) string { re := regexp.MustCompile(`(>>(https?://[A-Za-z0-9_.:\-~]+\/[A-Za-z0-9_.\-~]+\/)(f[A-Za-z0-9_.\-~]+-)?([A-Za-z0-9_.\-~]+)?#?([A-Za-z0-9_.\-~]+)?)`) match := re.FindAllStringSubmatch(comment, -1) var links []string for i := 0; i < len(match); i++ { str := strings.Replace(match[i][0], ">>", "", 1) links = append(links, str) } if len(links) > 0 { _, isValid := CheckValidActivity(strings.ReplaceAll(links[0], ">", "")) if isValid { return links[0] } } return "" } func GetActorCollectionReq(r *http.Request, collection string) activitypub.Collection { var nCollection activitypub.Collection req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", collection, nil) CheckError(err, "error with getting actor collection req "+collection) _, pass := GetPasswordFromSession(r) req.Header.Set("Accept", activitystreams) req.Header.Set("Authorization", "Basic "+pass) resp, err := RouteProxy(req) CheckError(err, "error with getting actor collection resp "+collection) if resp.StatusCode == 200 { defer resp.Body.Close() body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) err = json.Unmarshal(body, &nCollection) CheckError(err, "error getting actor collection from body "+collection) } return nCollection } func CreatedNeededDirectories() { if _, err := os.Stat("./public"); os.IsNotExist(err) { os.Mkdir("./public", 0755) } if _, err := os.Stat("./pem/board"); os.IsNotExist(err) { os.MkdirAll("./pem/board", 0700) } } func AddInstanceToIndex(actor string) { // if local testing enviroment do not add to index re := regexp.MustCompile(`(.+)?(localhost|\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)(.+)?`) if re.MatchString(actor) { return } followers := GetCollectionFromID("") var alreadyIndex = false for _, e := range followers.Items { if e.Id == actor { alreadyIndex = true } } if !alreadyIndex { req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", ""+actor, nil) CheckError(err, "error with add instance to actor index req") _, err = http.DefaultClient.Do(req) CheckError(err, "error with add instance to actor index resp") } } func AddInstanceToIndexDB(actor string) { //sleep to be sure the webserver is fully initialized //before making finger request time.Sleep(15 * time.Second) nActor := FingerActor(actor) if nActor.Id == "" { return } followers := GetCollectionFromID("") var alreadyIndex = false for _, e := range followers.Items { if e.Id == nActor.Id { alreadyIndex = true } } if !alreadyIndex { query := `insert into follower (id, follower) values ($1, $2)` _, err := db.Exec(query, "", nActor.Id) CheckError(err, "Error with add to index query") } } func HashMedia(media string) string { h := sha256.New() h.Write([]byte(media)) return hex.EncodeToString(h.Sum(nil)) } func HashBytes(media []byte) string { h := sha256.New() h.Write(media) return hex.EncodeToString(h.Sum(nil)) } func RouteImages(w http.ResponseWriter, media string) { req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", MediaHashs[media], nil) CheckError(err, "error with Route Images req") client := http.Client{ Timeout: 5 * time.Second, } resp, err := client.Do(req) if err != nil || resp.StatusCode != 200 { fileBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile("./static/notfound.png") CheckError(err, "could not get /static/notfound.png file bytes") w.Write(fileBytes) return } defer resp.Body.Close() body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) for name, values := range resp.Header { for _, value := range values { w.Header().Set(name, value) } } w.Write(body) } func HasValidation(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, actor activitypub.Actor) bool { id, _ := GetPasswordFromSession(r) if id == "" || (id != actor.Id && id != config.Domain) { http.Redirect(w, r, "/", http.StatusSeeOther) return false } return true } func TemplateFunctions(engine *html.Engine) { engine.AddFunc( "mod", mod, ) engine.AddFunc( "sub", sub, ) engine.AddFunc( "unixtoreadable", unixToReadable, ) engine.AddFunc("proxy", MediaProxy) // previously short engine.AddFunc("shortURL", util.ShortURL) engine.AddFunc("parseAttachment", ParseAttachment) engine.AddFunc("parseContent", ParseContent) engine.AddFunc("shortImg", util.ShortImg) engine.AddFunc("convertSize", util.ConvertSize) engine.AddFunc("isOnion", util.IsOnion) engine.AddFunc("parseReplyLink", func(actorId string, op string, id string, content string) template.HTML { actor := FingerActor(actorId) title := strings.ReplaceAll(ParseLinkTitle(actor.Id, op, content), `/\<`, ">") link := fmt.Sprintf(">>%s", actor.Name, util.ShortURL(actor.Outbox, op), util.ShortURL(actor.Outbox, id), title, util.ShortURL(actor.Outbox, id)) return template.HTML(link) }) engine.AddFunc("add", func(i, j int) int { return i + j }) engine.AddFunc( "timeToReadableLong", timeToReadableLong, ) engine.AddFunc( "timeToUnix", timeToUnix, ) engine.AddFunc( "sub", sub, ) engine.AddFunc("shortExcerpt", func(post activitypub.ObjectBase) string { var returnString string if post.Name != "" { returnString = post.Name + "| " + post.Content } else { returnString = post.Content } re := regexp.MustCompile(`(^(.|\r\n|\n){100})`) match := re.FindStringSubmatch(returnString) if len(match) > 0 { returnString = match[0] + "..." } re = regexp.MustCompile(`(^.+\|)`) match = re.FindStringSubmatch(returnString) if len(match) > 0 { returnString = strings.Replace(returnString, match[0], ""+match[0]+"", 1) returnString = strings.Replace(returnString, "|", ":", 1) } return returnString }) }