package post import ( "fmt" "html/template" "io/ioutil" "mime/multipart" "os" "os/exec" "regexp" "strings" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) func ConvertHashLink(domain string, link string) string { re := regexp.MustCompile(`(#.+)`) parsedLink := re.FindString(link) if parsedLink != "" { parsedLink = domain + "" + strings.Replace(parsedLink, "#", "", 1) parsedLink = strings.Replace(parsedLink, "\r", "", -1) } else { parsedLink = link } return parsedLink } func ParseCommentForReplies(comment string, op string) ([]activitypub.ObjectBase, error) { re := regexp.MustCompile(`(>>(https?://[A-Za-z0-9_.:\-~]+\/[A-Za-z0-9_.\-~]+\/)(f[A-Za-z0-9_.\-~]+-)?([A-Za-z0-9_.\-~]+)?#?([A-Za-z0-9_.\-~]+)?)`) match := re.FindAllStringSubmatch(comment, -1) var links []string for i := 0; i < len(match); i++ { str := strings.Replace(match[i][0], ">>", "", 1) str = strings.Replace(str, "www.", "", 1) str = strings.Replace(str, "http://", "", 1) str = strings.Replace(str, "https://", "", 1) str = config.TP + "" + str _, isReply, err := db.IsReplyToOP(op, str) if err != nil { return nil, err } if !util.IsInStringArray(links, str) && isReply { links = append(links, str) } } var validLinks []activitypub.ObjectBase for i := 0; i < len(links); i++ { _, isValid, err := webfinger.CheckValidActivity(links[i]) if err != nil { return nil, err } if isValid { var reply activitypub.ObjectBase reply.Id = links[i] reply.Published = time.Now().UTC() validLinks = append(validLinks, reply) } } return validLinks, nil } func ParseCommentForReply(comment string) (string, error) { re := regexp.MustCompile(`(>>(https?://[A-Za-z0-9_.:\-~]+\/[A-Za-z0-9_.\-~]+\/)(f[A-Za-z0-9_.\-~]+-)?([A-Za-z0-9_.\-~]+)?#?([A-Za-z0-9_.\-~]+)?)`) match := re.FindAllStringSubmatch(comment, -1) var links []string for i := 0; i < len(match); i++ { str := strings.Replace(match[i][0], ">>", "", 1) links = append(links, str) } if len(links) > 0 { _, isValid, err := webfinger.CheckValidActivity(strings.ReplaceAll(links[0], ">", "")) if err != nil { return "", err } if isValid { return links[0], nil } } return "", nil } func ParseLinkTitle(actorName string, op string, content string) string { re := regexp.MustCompile(`(>>(https?://[A-Za-z0-9_.:\-~]+\/[A-Za-z0-9_.\-~]+\/)\w+(#.+)?)`) match := re.FindAllStringSubmatch(content, -1) for i, _ := range match { link := strings.Replace(match[i][0], ">>", "", 1) isOP := "" domain := match[i][2] if link == op { isOP = " (OP)" } link = ConvertHashLink(domain, link) content = strings.Replace(content, match[i][0], ">>"+util.ShortURL(actorName, link)+isOP, 1) } content = strings.ReplaceAll(content, "'", "'") content = strings.ReplaceAll(content, "\"", """) content = strings.ReplaceAll(content, ">", `/\<`) return content } func ParseOptions(ctx *fiber.Ctx, obj activitypub.ObjectBase) activitypub.ObjectBase { options := util.EscapeString(ctx.FormValue("options")) if options != "" { option := strings.Split(options, ";") email := regexp.MustCompile(".+@.+\\..+") wallet := regexp.MustCompile("wallet:.+") delete := regexp.MustCompile("delete:.+") for _, e := range option { if e == "noko" { obj.Option = append(obj.Option, "noko") } else if e == "sage" { obj.Option = append(obj.Option, "sage") } else if e == "nokosage" { obj.Option = append(obj.Option, "nokosage") } else if email.MatchString(e) { obj.Option = append(obj.Option, "email:"+e) } else if wallet.MatchString(e) { obj.Option = append(obj.Option, "wallet") var wallet activitypub.CryptoCur value := strings.Split(e, ":") wallet.Type = value[0] wallet.Address = value[1] obj.Wallet = append(obj.Wallet, wallet) } else if delete.MatchString(e) { obj.Option = append(obj.Option, e) } } } return obj } func CheckCaptcha(captcha string) (bool, error) { parts := strings.Split(captcha, ":") if strings.Trim(parts[0], " ") == "" || strings.Trim(parts[1], " ") == "" { return false, nil } path := "public/" + parts[0] + ".png" code, err := db.GetCaptchaCodeDB(path) if err != nil { return false, err } if code != "" { err = db.DeleteCaptchaCodeDB(path) if err != nil { return false, err } err = db.CreateNewCaptcha() if err != nil { return false, err } } return code == strings.ToUpper(parts[1]), nil } func IsMediaBanned(f multipart.File) (bool, error) { f.Seek(0, 0) fileBytes := make([]byte, 2048) _, err := f.Read(fileBytes) if err != nil { return true, err } hash := util.HashBytes(fileBytes) f.Seek(0, 0) return db.IsHashBanned(hash) } func SupportedMIMEType(mime string) bool { for _, e := range config.SupportedFiles { if e == mime { return true } } return false } func ObjectFromForm(ctx *fiber.Ctx, obj activitypub.ObjectBase) (activitypub.ObjectBase, error) { header, _ := ctx.FormFile("file") var file multipart.File if header != nil { file, _ = header.Open() } var err error if file != nil { defer file.Close() var tempFile = new(os.File) obj.Attachment, tempFile, err = activitypub.CreateAttachmentObject(file, header) if err != nil { return obj, err } defer tempFile.Close() fileBytes, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(file) tempFile.Write(fileBytes) re := regexp.MustCompile(`image/(jpe?g|png|webp)`) if re.MatchString(obj.Attachment[0].MediaType) { fileLoc := strings.ReplaceAll(obj.Attachment[0].Href, config.Domain, "") cmd := exec.Command("exiv2", "rm", "."+fileLoc) if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil { return obj, err } } obj.Preview = obj.Attachment[0].CreatePreview() } obj.AttributedTo = util.EscapeString(ctx.FormValue("name")) obj.TripCode = util.EscapeString(ctx.FormValue("tripcode")) obj.Name = util.EscapeString(ctx.FormValue("subject")) obj.Content = util.EscapeString(ctx.FormValue("comment")) obj.Sensitive = (ctx.FormValue("sensitive") != "") obj = ParseOptions(ctx, obj) var originalPost activitypub.ObjectBase originalPost.Id = util.EscapeString(ctx.FormValue("inReplyTo")) obj.InReplyTo = append(obj.InReplyTo, originalPost) var activity activitypub.Activity if !util.IsInStringArray(activity.To, originalPost.Id) { activity.To = append(activity.To, originalPost.Id) } if originalPost.Id != "" { if local, _ := activity.IsLocal(); !local { actor, err := webfinger.FingerActor(originalPost.Id) if err != nil { return obj, err } if !util.IsInStringArray(obj.To, actor.Id) { obj.To = append(obj.To, actor.Id) } } else if err != nil { return obj, err } } replyingTo, err := ParseCommentForReplies(ctx.FormValue("comment"), originalPost.Id) if err != nil { return obj, err } for _, e := range replyingTo { has := false for _, f := range obj.InReplyTo { if e.Id == f.Id { has = true break } } if !has { obj.InReplyTo = append(obj.InReplyTo, e) var activity activitypub.Activity activity.To = append(activity.To, e.Id) if local, err := activity.IsLocal(); err == nil && !local { actor, err := webfinger.FingerActor(e.Id) if err != nil { return obj, err } if !util.IsInStringArray(obj.To, actor.Id) { obj.To = append(obj.To, actor.Id) } } else if err != nil { return obj, err } } } return obj, nil } func ResizeAttachmentToPreview() error { return activitypub.GetObjectsWithoutPreviewsCallback(func(id, href, mediatype, name string, size int, published time.Time) error { re := regexp.MustCompile(`^\w+`) _type := re.FindString(mediatype) if _type == "image" { re = regexp.MustCompile(`.+/`) file := re.ReplaceAllString(mediatype, "") nHref := util.GetUniqueFilename(file) var nPreview activitypub.NestedObjectBase re = regexp.MustCompile(`/\w+$`) actor := re.ReplaceAllString(id, "") nPreview.Type = "Preview" uid, err := util.CreateUniqueID(actor) if err != nil { return err } nPreview.Id = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", actor, uid) nPreview.Name = name nPreview.Href = config.Domain + "" + nHref nPreview.MediaType = mediatype nPreview.Size = int64(size) nPreview.Published = published nPreview.Updated = published re = regexp.MustCompile(`/public/.+`) objFile := re.FindString(href) if id != "" { cmd := exec.Command("convert", "."+objFile, "-resize", "250x250>", "-strip", "."+nHref) if err := cmd.Run(); err == nil { fmt.Println(objFile + " -> " + nHref) if err := nPreview.WritePreview(); err != nil { return err } obj := activitypub.ObjectBase{Id: id} if err := obj.UpdatePreview(nPreview.Id); err != nil { return err } } else { return err } } } return nil }) } func ParseAttachment(obj activitypub.ObjectBase, catalog bool) template.HTML { // TODO: convert all of these to Sprintf statements, or use strings.Builder or something, anything but this really // string concatenation is highly inefficient _especially_ when being used like this if len(obj.Attachment) < 1 { return "" } var media string if regexp.MustCompile(`image\/`).MatchString(obj.Attachment[0].MediaType) { media = ", should also escape &, ", and ' nContent := strings.ReplaceAll(content, `<`, "<") nContent, err := ParseLinkComments(board, op, nContent, thread) if err != nil { return "", err } nContent = ParseCommentQuotes(nContent) nContent = strings.ReplaceAll(nContent, `/\<`, ">") return template.HTML(nContent), nil } func ParseLinkComments(board activitypub.Actor, op string, content string, thread activitypub.ObjectBase) (string, error) { re := regexp.MustCompile(`(>>(https?://[A-Za-z0-9_.:\-~]+\/[A-Za-z0-9_.\-~]+\/)(f[A-Za-z0-9_.\-~]+-)?([A-Za-z0-9_.\-~]+)?#?([A-Za-z0-9_.\-~]+)?)`) match := re.FindAllStringSubmatch(content, -1) //add url to each matched reply for i, _ := range match { link := strings.Replace(match[i][0], ">>", "", 1) isOP := "" domain := match[i][2] if link == op { isOP = " (OP)" } parsedLink := ConvertHashLink(domain, link) //formate the hover title text var quoteTitle string // if the quoted content is local get it // else get it from the database if thread.Id == link { quoteTitle = ParseLinkTitle(board.Outbox, op, thread.Content) } else { for _, e := range thread.Replies.OrderedItems { if e.Id == parsedLink { quoteTitle = ParseLinkTitle(board.Outbox, op, e.Content) break } } if quoteTitle == "" { obj := activitypub.ObjectBase{Id: parsedLink} col, err := obj.GetCollectionFromPath() if err != nil { return "", err } if len(col.OrderedItems) > 0 { quoteTitle = ParseLinkTitle(board.Outbox, op, col.OrderedItems[0].Content) } else { quoteTitle = ParseLinkTitle(board.Outbox, op, parsedLink) } } } if replyID, isReply, err := db.IsReplyToOP(op, parsedLink); err == nil || !isReply { id := util.ShortURL(board.Outbox, replyID) content = strings.Replace(content, match[i][0], ">>"+id+""+isOP+"", -1) } else { //this is a cross post parsedOP, err := db.GetReplyOP(parsedLink) if err == nil { link = parsedOP + "#" + util.ShortURL(parsedOP, parsedLink) } actor, err := webfinger.FingerActor(parsedLink) if err == nil && actor.Id != "" { content = strings.Replace(content, match[i][0], ">>"+util.ShortURL(board.Outbox, parsedLink)+isOP+" →", -1) } } } return content, nil } func ParseCommentQuotes(content string) string { // replace quotes re := regexp.MustCompile(`((\r\n|\r|\n|^)>(.+)?[^\r\n])`) match := re.FindAllStringSubmatch(content, -1) for i, _ := range match { quote := strings.Replace(match[i][0], ">", ">", 1) line := re.ReplaceAllString(match[i][0], ""+quote+"") content = strings.Replace(content, match[i][0], line, 1) } //replace isolated greater than symboles re = regexp.MustCompile(`(\r\n|\n|\r)>`) return re.ReplaceAllString(content, "\r\n>") }